Stories of Prophets in Islam App Reviews

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This is a great app for learning about the Prophets of Islam, its very beneficial and gives many life lessons and how the Prophets overcame so many obstacles with their faith in God. It truly is a blessing and I pray Allah rewards the creators of this app in this life and in the hereafter! Allahuma amiin

Stories of Anbiyas

This app is helpful in many ways and helps contribute to the lack of knowledge about the life of the Ambiyas. Ibn Kathir may Allah have mercy on his soul.

Need fixing

I was so excited about this app when I first saw it and couldnt wait to read the stories to my kids for bedtime story but when I open the app and tap on any of the stories they wouldnt open. Could you guys fix this problem?

Force closes

The app use to work, now when you click on the story it completely force closes. Please fix

Good !

I love love love this app. So informative and helpful. I do have one concern though. There should be a way to save exactly where you stopped reading, maybe like a highlighting option. It’s difficult to constantly scroll down and find where I was at before.

Thank you so much

Salam. Thank you so much for making this app its so help full I always read one story every night it just makes me feel better. Thank you so much.

Allah Akbar

Each time I tried open this, it isn’t responding. Please find a way to fixed the problem

Too long

For each one there is a huge thing that is all one story

Not haram to use credit card

Please stop spreading misinformation stating that its a major sin in Islam to pay via credit card It’s people like this that give islam a bad name


This is a great app for learning about the Prophets of Islam, it's very beneficial and gives many life lessons and how the Prophets overcame so many obstacles with their faith in God. It truly is a blessing and I pray Allah rewards the creators of this app in this life and in the hereafter! Allahuma amiin 🙏🏾

Force closes

The app use to work, now when you click on the story it completely force closes. Please fix

Need fixing

I was so excited about this app when I first saw it and couldn't wait to read the stories to my kids for bedtime story but when I open the app and tap on any of the stories they wouldn't open. Could you guys fix this problem?

Stories of Anbiyas

This app is helpful in many ways and helps contribute to the lack of knowledge about the life of the Ambiyas. Ibn Kathir may Allah have mercy on his soul.

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